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Showing posts from October, 2022

Preliminary Task Double Page Evaluation

 Hello viewers, this blog will be based on the Double Page Evaluation based off of my magazine for Media Studies class. So for today’s blog we will incorporate a more in depth meaning and explanation for the double page sheet for my magazine. Stay tuned for more info on this! Above is presented the double sheet spread that I prepared foe my magazine. Looking at back it now i definitely wish I would’ve added more detail to it because it seems a little plain but I know what the general idea of what my final draft will portray in the end. The double spread sheet was a bit of a challenge to put together since it is  split into two within just one page, so the alignment and arrangement of photos as long as the pictures was a bit hard to incorporate but was still completed in the end. Although the cover page, table of contents, and double spread sheet weren't identical they still fit a set theme. I tried not to be boring and just use the same types of templates. Even though I did wa...

Preliminary Table of Contents Evaluation

 Hello people, this next blog will include yet another evaluation based on the Table of Contents of my magazine. We will be going deep into detail about the table of contents of my magazine. It will be detailed and explained to the T so that you guys can catch a greater understanding of how and why the table of contents was set up in this particular format. Stay tuned! Here I present to you my table of contents for my magazine. As you all may see it’s not too much but not too little either. It os kore towards the simplistic side but still gives the audience curiosity into what is going on in this table of contents. Although it is very simple, it touches key in being able to present something simple to those viewing it in order to fund their way through the magazine. Listed there are the different topics that will be touched within the magazine based on this wedding particularly. As you can see there is only one background pictures and the table of contents listed. Very simplistic b...

Preliminary Cover Page Evaluation

 Hey guys, this weeks blog post will be an evaluations based on the cover page I created for my magazine. In todays blog I will be thoroughly describing the task at hand, known as the cover page for my magazine, which is portrayed below. To begin with my magazine is based off the idea of my brothers wedding. It incorporates the main picture as the bride and the groom being the face cover. The picture is finished in white and black to show a very fine but delicate look. As choosing the topic and face of my magazine cover I instantly thought of a wedding as I’ve always loved the idea of weddings and everything that includes romance. I wanted to take a different approach rather than the ones other had included in their own magazines. So I thought to myself what better wedding to make my magazine than my own brothers amazing wedding. The best wedding I have been too and was aw to capture these moments and able to share them first hand through my magazine. The title of my magazine is st...

Preliminary Task Double Page Spread

Welcome back! In today's blog post, I will be presenting my demonstration of the double page spread that was made by me for the magazine draft. Thank you for tuning into today's blog post, see y'all soon!

Preliminary Task Magazine Table of Contents

 Hey guys, today we are continuing our Preliminary Tasks and adding in our table of contents. Today's blog will consist of the demonstration of the final product for the copy of the magazine. This is known as the table of contents set in place for the magazine. Thank for tuning into the blog today, see you next time.

Preliminary Task Magazine Cover

 Welcome back to this week's blog post! Thank you, guys, for joining me on yet another one of my blogs. The time has finally come to where I will be showing you a portion of what I have made for my Preliminary Task at hand. This is a rough draft of the cover page for the modeled magazine that I have created. Hope you enjoy! Thank you for tuning into this week's blog, hope you all enjoyed!  

Mise-en-scene pt.2

 Greetings my supporters, thank you for tuning back into this week's blog! This week's blog is going to be a continuation of our previously discussed topic which was known as Mise-en-scene. I will go in more detail with the specific parts that make up the mise-en-scene topic as a whole. Production Design This is known to be the what the designing produces main job is, which is to set the visual aspect to the viewer's eye. This is all incorporated to shows, films, movies, clips, all other productions composed by directors. They focus on the main details that go within the sets, location, materials, props, objects, wardrobe, lighting camera shots and angles as well as all the photographs included. Location: This is known as the set place in which a scene is shot in to take place in a specific area of the scene. The location is used to set the right tone and mood for whatever is going to occur in the scene specifically. An example of this would be if a wedding is about to take...


 Hello people, we are a back with another blog this week!  This week's blog is based on a new topic as seen above known as Mise-en-scene. This is a topic that is probably knew to both you and me because I had never heard of this before. Mise-en-scene is known to be the creation and composing of actors in films for theatre productions. It incorporates everything that is within an object or product which ties its complete look together from start to finish. This is also known as a producer's base when it comes to producing films, movies, shows ad every other project produced by them. Mise-en-scene is known as the complete breakdown of how producers make their different scenes from every little detail starting from the location and place of action in which the characters perform in. Mise-en-scene is known as a French originated term that means "putting on stage." Mise-en-scene's main focus is to use a mix of many photographs to make one clear photo at the end to add ...

Camera Compositions pt.2

Welcome back to this week's blog! This will be a continuation of the previous blog post in which we included Camera Compositions. For this blog weeks blog as I stated above, we will incorporate the following compositions as a continuation from the previous blog post. I will be demonstrating my understanding of what compositions are within pictures by demonstrating my own example of compositions taken either at school or in my home on my phone. This will serve the purpose of getting me ready for taking photos for my magazine. Stay tuned for the rest of the blog to see my take on photo Compositions!  Deep Focus A deep focus in a photo's composition is known to be as the focus technique used to demonstrate a large scale based on the plain the picture is taken in. It shows the difference of how sharp or clear the image is presented. Shallow Focus  A shallow focus technique used in pictures is known as a strategy used to make a part of the image focused while the rest isn't focu...

Using Compositions

Good morning beautiful people, thanks for tuning into this week's blog!  Today's blog post will be based on something called Compositions, which has a relation to my previous blogs that have to do with Camera Shots and Angles. All of these will help me in order to take the correct pictures and include them for my magazine. Stay tuned to view the different compositions! Framing A framing composition is known as a framed picture within another frame all within the same picture Rule of Thirds  The rule of thirds within a composition is known as a composition guide that aligns the subject or character within the picture in the left or right third of the picture. It then leaves the remaining two thirds of the grid empty or open. The rule of thirds within a picture is used to add a more composed and formal look to a picture. Depth of Field The depth of field in a picture is known as the distance between the closest and farthest subjects within a picture which appears as something ve...

Camera Shots pt. 2

 Today we are back again with our famous Camera Shots!  This blog will consist of the continuation of Camera shots as demonstrated in the last blog post. As mentioned before, in our Media Studies class we learned about the importance of camera shots and how they are used in many films and movies that we all like to watch. Listed below will be the remaining camera shots.                                                                                                                                                                                 ...

Camera Shots

 Welcome back to your fav bog of the week! Since you all enjoyed the last blog so much I have returned this blog with more fun and pictures. In this blog I will be discussing the different types of camera shots discussed in my media studies class. - Establishing Shot -Close up -Mid-Shot -Long Shot Establishing Shot An establishing shot in simple words is known to be the starting or first shot in a scene. These types of shots have used the set the location and place where a scene took place in. It also demonstrates the mood given at the time which helps the viewer get a general understanding of what the scene is about in general. Close Up A close-up shot is exactly what it sounds like, it consists of a shot that's taken of a person's face which takes up most of the picture in a scene. The shot is supposed to make an object look bigger and in more depth as it is a close-up image of something. Mid- Shot A mid-shot is known to be a shot that shows part of the character in greater d...