Welcome back to your fav bog of the week!
Since you all enjoyed the last blog so much I have returned this blog with more fun and pictures. In this blog I will be discussing the different types of camera shots discussed in my media studies class.
- Establishing Shot
-Close up
-Long Shot
Establishing Shot
An establishing shot in simple words is known to be the starting or first shot in a scene. These types of shots have used the set the location and place where a scene took place in. It also demonstrates the mood given at the time which helps the viewer get a general understanding of what the scene is about in general.
Close Up
A close-up shot is exactly what it sounds like, it consists of a shot that's taken of a person's face which takes up most of the picture in a scene. The shot is supposed to make an object look bigger and in more depth as it is a close-up image of something.
Mid- Shot
A mid-shot is known to be a shot that shows part of the character in greater detail. It typically contains a character's profile from the waist up, and is known to be one of the most common shots seen in most films. This shot is known to focus on a character in a scene specifically while also including the place in which the scene actually takes place in.
Long shot
As this blog comes to an end here is a quick sum up of what was performed this week in Media Studies. This week we learned about something called Camera Shots. This means that we discussed the shots that are taken in numerous frames for a certain amount of time. We learned the importance they have on films and movies and the importance they hold in portraying feelings, moods, and ideas while watching them. As a class, we individually practiced taking these shots ourselves with our classmates at school and used each of these pictures taken to demonstrate how we understood what camera shots are and present them in this week's blog.
Thank you guys for tuning into this week's blog, stay tuned for the next blogs to come!
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