Hey guys, we are back with another blog for this weeks blog.
In this weeks blog we will be reviewing and going in more depth with the table of contents for the fashion magazine. In the previous blogs we were working on the breakdowns of what are included in the Table of Contents for magazines. In this weeks I will review them in more detail and really go in depth to explain what they consist of and how they are constructed and put inside of magazines.
To begin with, the purpose of a table of contents in magazines and other scriptures in general are included to help readers find their way in the magazine or other document that they are reviewing. People also use the table of contents in order what part or area in the magazine they should read or look at. Now on to the table of contents above, they are normally positioned in different ways depending on the magazine or article you are viewing but right now we will be unpacking the layout of this table of contents in specific. In the example above we can see that the first thing in big bold letters is the magazines title or the masthead is on the top. In this magazine the masthead is in bold black letters in lowercase letters. This is mostly to remind the reader and make it clear that they are viewing a 'Vogue' magazine. The next thing we can tell from looking at the table of contents is that it has an image right under the masthead on the left side of the page. This could be done in order to draw readers to see the picture and who the model is. It could also be placed there to promote a known/famous person. Then bellow the picture begins the table of contents of the magazine, with the page numbers and sub headlines to the topics of the articles to the magazines. In this magazine specifically the sub-headlines are in red writing and in bigger writing than the normal writing where all the information of the magazine is. This is done in order to indicate that the writing in red letters is known as a sub headline. To continue with, the rest of the table of contents page just continues to give more information in regular black written letters which contains the information and where to find certain things in the magazines. No onto the right side of the table of contents there is yet another smaller picture included at the bottom of the page. This can be done in table of contents where there are more than one photos included in the table of contents or not. Some magazines will either just have one main picture or maybe more. This picture could yet again represent a known model or person or it could also represent a part of the magazine in which this person is viewed in and spoken about. Now one of the last things we see in table of contents is all the way to the bottom right side of the page, all the way to the corner. On this part you can see the page number in which the table of contents is located in, you can also see the magazines issue listed next to or around the page number to the bottom. So this overview basically sums up elements and components make up the table of contents in a magazine.
Thank you all for tuning into this weeks blog, see you next time!
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