Welcome back to this weeks blog post!
In this weeks blog post we will be focusing on pone of 'Vogues' current fashion magazines. We will be discussing on of their current fashion magazines and how they used house styles in their magazine.

Vogue is known as a fashion representing magazine in which it entertains people within topics that including fashion, beauty, culture, living, and runway. You can tell that the heading on the magazine above
represents Vogues best looking models and the different styles which is also used among the other magazines.
The font is very specific starting with the heading and title of 'Vogue' which is always heading in big colored lettering always to show it readers who this magazine is from. This is the main attention and focus of the magazine because it comes from this very known brand. Another main things portrayed is the models bright colored clothes to show her different fashion style as the main event. This is the main factor of the magazine, to show off the models unique sense of fashion.
There are lots of pops of color to this magazine and although there are many colors in this particular magazine, it still makes a pop and really stresses the uniqueness of the models outfit. The title and biggest heading is in a bright pink white the model is wearing a black dress with blue and green designs on it while she is also wearing a loud red lip and some intense make up. The background is white with a light brown board behind the models back. Although there is a lot going on in this one image they also still balance themselves out and have its own unique sense of style
Layout/ Design:
The layout of this magazine is pretty well organized, it has its subheading and subsections neatly written on the sides of the magazine without taking much attention away from the model/actress in the cover. The masthead includes a famous actress known as Kristen Stewart which has stared in my favorite movies 'Twilight'. The title is placed in front of her head making both things important, both the actress and the title of the magazine.
The cover is meant to represent this actress as dressing chic and not dressing up too much and just keeping her beauty nice and simple. The magazine also states showing of looking you best and doing that tower that means to every person individually. This attracts a wider audience as its all inclusive to peoples own beauty standards and what looking their best means for everyone individually.
The image itself gives a loud statement due to the color combination used within the models look in her outfit to the color of her outfit. The look is to each it own and shows a mixture of colors and styles. The actress has a back dress with blue and green details while her makeup consists of a bright red sexy lip and light brownish make up. While having this the actress also has her hair to the side in a loose flow to her right side while keep somewhat of a straight face.
Thank you for tuning into this weeks blog hope you guys enjoyed!
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