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Camera Angels

 Welcome back my lovely people, its been a while but Im back!

During this weeks blog I will be discussing different kinds of camera angles including:

-High Angle

-Low Angle

-Canted Angle

High Angle



A high-angle shot is known as a technique where the camera looks down on a subject from a high angle and the point of focus often gets taken up. High-angle shots can make a subject look smaller or less important.

Low Angle


A low-angle shot, is a shot from a camera angle placed on a low vertical axis looking upward. Sometimes, it is even directly below the subjects feet. The overall effect of the low-angle shot is that it makes a subject look mighty and important

Canted Angle


A canted angle is known as camera shot that is taken by a camera at a an angle on its roll axis in which the the shot has vertical lines at an angle in which the frame is on its side. This makes a slanted viewpoint in which a subjects head is turned on the side


To summarize this fun little process of demonstrating camera angles, this was done during our media studies class. We took pictures on our phones to demonstrate each type of camera shot and angle during class. Some of the pictures are of my friends which I took the during the class day, and the others include some previous demonstrations of pictures of these types pf angles I had from before.

Well that's all for this blog guys, hope you enjoyed the pictures until next time, and as always don't miss me to much!!


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